Churches are all unique having a special blend of talents, experiences, preferences, passions and divine calling. Since one church may vary greatly from another in its distinctives, we would like to give you the opportunity to get acquainted with Glad Tidings. If you understand who we are, what we are like, and what forms our personality as a church family, then it will help you determine if GT is the best place for you to get involved to reach your fullest potential for the kingdom.


Church Life

We believe in team ministry, not the “one man show”.

We believe that “every member is a minister” and honor servanthood. Everyone should be serving the needs of the church and community.

We cultivate a “world view” of the Kingdom of God, and work hard to promote harmony and cooperation between Christians from other backgrounds, cultures, and traditions.

We highly value praise and worship which is often enthusiastic and jubilant.

We value the power and “felt presence” of the Spirit of God.

We respect tradition, but honor no “sacred cow.”



We continually cultivate Christ-honoring roles and conduct in all relationships:
marriage, neighbors, family, church family, and workplace.

We gear much of our emphasis toward the youth and children.  Our kids are a top priority!

We love to have fun (lots of it) and value hospitality and genuine friendships.

We believe that God has called us to significance and influence in our generation.

We value people like you!

What we believe

WE BELIEVE in an eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God who has revealed Himself to His creation as Father, Spirit, and Son –indivisible yet distinct as The Holy Trinity and “Almighty God!” WE BELIEVE that the essence of His nature is LOVE, and that loving Him and loving one another is the truest expression of our union with HIM! WE BELIEVE that He created all things, visible and invisible, and that nothing exists that has not been made BY HIM and FOR HIS GOOD PURPOSES.

WE BELIEVE that mankind was uniquely created in His “likeness and image” in order to live in communion with Him and to learn His will and His ways in order to one day rule and reign with Him over all creation. WE BELIEVE that Almighty God created sentient beings (able to make independent decisions) with the ability to choose whether or not we will submit to God’s will, or to resist it. Both men and angels have been afforded this moral choice, and their choices account for the “cosmic conflict” between good (The Kingdom of God) and evil (The Kingdom of Satan). WE BELIEVE that by putting our faith in the sacrifice and saving work of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer, we can be “born again” into the Kingdom of God and enjoy fellowship with Him forever! WE BELIEVE that God has ordained to guide us in our knowledge of Him by leaving us anointed and inspired SCRIPTURE as well as by the specific and direct guidance of God’s Holy Spirit that He promised would LIVE IN US and GUIDE US INTO ALL TRUTH! WE BELIEVE that the Kingdom of God is destined to prevail over Satan and all evil, and that the Kingdom of Satan will eventually be completely irradicated from the earth; and that after this, WE are destined to rule and reign with Christ over all of creation in eternity future! WE BELIEVE that this “Good News” should be enthusiastically shared with ALL PEOPLE to give EVERYONE a chance to choose to serve Christ and be a part of His victorious Kingdom forever!