Character First

Character First education offers tools to help each student build character in the classroom, at home and in the community. Lasting solutions to education problems come when leaders model good character and encourage students to build character qualities such as attentiveness, truthfulness, gratefulness, diligence and obedience, just to name a few.

We equip volunteer coaches to teach the program in the elementary schools in the Yuba-Sutter Area (K-6th Grade) three times a month.

For more information about how you can get involved, contact Lori Kuykendall.

Feather River Mens Center

The Feather River Men’s Center is a non-profit, faith-based, 12-18 month residential recovery center. We provide the tools necessary to conquer addictions, restore lives, and reunite families. The success of the program has continued to be achieved from the philosophy of healing the entire family. We believe that the student will have the best opportunity to succeed if there is a healthy place to thrive.

Narcan Relief

GT is distributing life-saving Narcan to the addict community along with Fentanyl Test Strips, instructions on administering Narcan and Hands-Only CPR. Education is provided at community events.

For more information, contact Ginger Smith.

Graffiti Busters

Our team paints over graffiti in Yuba-Sutter Counties. A list is prepared weekly of sites to be addressed. Keeping the cities free of graffiti slows gang activity and stops more serious criminal activity. Paint and supplies are provided. You do not have to be a professional painter. 

For more information about how you can get involved, contact Lou Binninger.

Hope for the Heart Relief Center

The Hope for the Heart Relief Center was envisioned over a year ago to meet the needs of the homeless and poor in our region.
In addition, Hope for the Heart also has on outreach ministry bringing hope directly to those unable to make it to the storefront.

Open to the Public: Wednesday & Friday 9AM - 1PM | 4444 Live Oak Blvd.

We are currently looking for Donations of:
Blankets | Sleeping Bags | Tarps | Children’s Coats | Toiletries

For more information get in touch with Stephanie Steele or visit the Facebook Page.

Jail Ministry

Yuba County Jail classes are preparing inmates to change their lives. Class topics include computer keyboard training, substance abuse, rehabilitation, life / parenting  / relationship / job skills, health, relapse prevention, child support and child protective service problems, recovery, mental and sexual abuse, anger management, community resources and the supernatural. 

For more information about how you can get involved, contact Lou Binninger.

Juvenile Hall

You can give your testimony on a Sunday morning or hang out with kids on a Monday Evening. You can do a one-time talk or be a regular participant. You must be at least 18. 

For more information about how you can get involved, contact Lou Binninger.

Tats Off

The goal of Tats Off is to remove the tattoos of qualified participants to eliminate the stigma of past decisions. The objective is to make it easier to begin a new life, obtain employment and stop being negatively and inaccurately stereotyped.

The program is made possible by the collaborative care of Doctor Joseph Cassady and the Church of Glad Tidings. We remove tattoos from the face, neck, forearms, hands or wrist. The sessions are scheduled once a month at a reduced cost of $50.00 per session. Multiple tattoos can be treated during an appointment.

For more information about how you can get involved, contact Lori Kuykendall.

Tearing Down Strongholds Ministries

The prophet Isaiah describes the church today as:  “A people robbed and plundered; all of them are snared in holes and trapped in prisons. They are being ravished by the predators and no one is rescuing them. They have become plunder for the enemy and no one is saying ‘Give it back”.

TDS is a ministry birthed out of Glad Tidings in 1997 to see The Church become all that Jesus called her to be; His Warrior Bride. Over the last 14 years we have ministered deliverance to thousands of hurting people across the globe, helping them become an army that will stand strong to defeat the enemy and take back everything he has stolen from them.

For more information, visit the Tearing Down Strongholds website.

Triple H Ranch

Healing Hurting Hearts in a Healthy Homey Environment 

The Triple H Ranch is a nonprofit community service organization existing for the purpose of providing a positive residential setting where "whole life mentoring" is available to individuals of all ages in building healthy, wholesome and productive lives.