From the very beginning of our story together, The Church of Glad Tidings has always held benevolent care and hospitality ministry as a core value in our community.

Beginning with Lou Binninger and The Morning Star Ranch in the Jesus People movement, needy people have always been heartily reached out to, blessed as best we were able, and welcomed into our community. Through the transitions from Timbuctoo in the Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern California on to Smartsville, Marysville and eventually The Church of Glad Tidings where we settled permanently in the late 70’s, we have always sought to put our whole hearts into “doing good” and “meeting urgent needs” as an expression of our love and devotion to Christ Jesus! 

Our 6,000 square-foot warehouse has operated now for over 30 years, meeting urgent needs of every kind both locally and abroad. Our response to the vicious Paradise Fire in 2018 marked us as a main distribution center for providing clean water, food, sundry household and cleaning supplies - and even some building supplies to reestablish the Paradise victims in their ravaged homes and to help them re-stabilize their lives again. It was during this time that we officially adopted the name Hope for the Heart ministries, and became known as a leading distributor of benevolence supplies to “MEET URGENT NEEDS” both locally and abroad. 

We now serve as a food bank, a clothing closet, and an outreach center open to the public multiple days a week and operating over 20 monthly outreaches to meet the needs of the poor and needy and the homeless in our surrounding communities. Additionally, we serve numerous other pantries in the seven counties surrounding us, and increasingly assist various Christian Camps and community enrichment in Northern California and Oregon, and missionary endeavors as far away as Mexico, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Romania (and the list goes on)!During cold weather, in addition to staple foods, basic shoes, clothing and toiletries, we also provide hot meals, winter coats, warm blankets, sleeping bags, tarps, boots and so much more!

Our mission statement is simply: “Jesus is the hope for the heart!”  As His ambassadors, we seek to “Find a Need and Meet it! and to “Find a Hurt and Heal it!

We deeply appreciate your support!


Open to the Public: Wednesday & Friday 9AM - 1PM | 4444 Live Oak Blvd.

We are currently looking for Donations of: Blankets | Sleeping Bags | Tarps | Children’s Coats | Toiletries

For more information get in touch with Stephanie Steele or visit the Facebook Page.


Stephanie Steele

Phone: (530) 870-6906

Email : hope4heart@churchofgladtidings.com