What makes us US at GT?

With our current limited understanding we believe that we are in the “Last Days” and have the privilege of walking through the transition of the ages- from the Church Age into The Age of the Millennial Kingdom!

  • We believe that Jesus Christ will be gloriously victorious over all evil, sin and death and that He will have a “Bride” that is perfect - “without blemish or wrinkle!”

  • The Church of Glad Tidings (GT) and The Embassy of Heaven is a place where hope, faith and love are flourishing in a community that has gained a reputation for being “rich in good works” (1 Timothy 6:18) and for “meeting urgent needs” (Titus 3:14).

  • What began as a beacon of light in the early 70s in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Northern California has blossomed from a hippie commune gone “Jesus Freak” into a vibrant 40-acre community with a bustling congregation committed to impacting the nations of the world and fulfilling the prayer of Jesus Christ for His disciples to “establish His Kingdom here on Earth!”

  • The heartbeat that inspires us and informs all we do is this simple yet profound ministry motto: “Find a Need and Meet it! Find a Hurt and Heal it!”  Given as “marching orders” to pastor Dave in 1987, this powerful call to action propels us beyond the traditional confines of “the stained glass” of The Great American Religious Enterprise and continually motivates us to embrace a world rife with urgent needs—a world where every act of kindness and every gesture of love demands both time and resources. From The Morningstar Ranch’s modest beginnings in Smartsville, California through the growing pains of the Marysville Community Church and finally to the expansive campus of The Church of Glad Tidings (GT) and the Embassy of Heaven in Live Oak, Yuba City and Marysville - our journey has been one of progressive growth in both grace and ministry influence, enabling us to serve the purposes of God naturally and spiritually, both locally and globally!

What is the Embassy of Heaven?

Our 40 acre campus on the north border of Yuba City, California is home for several different church congregations - including the Church of Glad Tidings.  God has abundantly blessed us, and we in turn want to be a blessing to others - so we freely share with others  what God has entrusted to our stewardship! Additionally, The Church of Glad Tidings (GT) oversees multiple campus-based ministries including our Embassy Greens, Embassy Gardens, Embassy Prayer Grotto; Embassy Warehouse; Embassy Market, Embassy School of Ministry (ESOM), Embassy Private Education Center (EPEC) and Light of Life Health & Wellness Center.  In other locations we have Embassy Livestock, School of Champions and Peace of Heaven Children’s Paradise!

How do I get involved at GT?

Join us and participate in any or all of these opportunities.
Isaiah 61:
GT Homegroups:
Deliverance Team: contact deliverance@churchofgladtidings.com

How can I connect with a pastor?

GT has a strong leadership team including multiple onsite pastors. You can call our GT Office during our regular hours and ask to speak to a pastor. You can also email us at info@churchofgladtidings.com and someone will get back to you. Once a month we have a Meet n Greet from 12:30-2-00 (usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month) designed to give newbies an opportunity to meet and interact in a smaller setting with some of our pastoral team. Each Meet n Greet  is designed for a limited number of people, and can be registered for here: https://churchofgladtidings.com/pastoral-meeting-request

What does GT provide for families and the various age groups?

What is available through the GT Benevolence ministry?

GT’s Hope 4 the Heart Relief Center provides food distribution; clothing ministry; household and personal hygiene assistance; housing; work opportunities; food distribution to the homeless as well as other areas of assistance. churchofgladtidings.com/hope-for-the-heart

Is GT a part of a denomination or religious organization?

No; GT is a non-denominational body of believers in Jesus.  While we are not “anti-denominational, we do believe that denominations and other similar political/bureaucratic organizations are not conducive to engendering love, fellowship and cooperation between Christian groups, but instead tend to unnecessarily separate God’s people, and see NO BIBLICAL PRECEDENT for their necessity.

How can I help with donations?

A. Cash Donations: Tithes; Offerings; Alms; churchofgladtidings.com/give

B. Non-Cash donations: Land; Vehicles; Inheritance; Other Valuables