Creative Light Theater

Creative Light Theater started in 1991 and proudly serves our community by offering 2 to 3 quality shows per year, most of which are originals. Our talent pool is made up of actors from several churches in the area and is a unifying force in the body of Christ as we come together to create something very special for our community.


Drama, in its many and varied forms, is a powerful medium to influence the masses. It is a vehicle to speak God's truth in clever and new ways; to plant, water and harvest the seed of the gospel in the hearts and minds of people. It is also a way to organize writers, actors, musicians and technicians and give them an outlet for their talents. 

All the influences in your life suddenly take on new meaning; the book you are reading, the sermon you heard, the movie you watched, life situations all find their way into the storyline or style of the production. It becomes a life impartation to all who will be involved and all who will see the finished product.

Having an effective drama program forces dependence on God in order to be prophetic, pertinent and long lasting. The favor of God is the sign of His involvements and it's an unexplainable phenomenon! What happens is people are eager to be involved, audiences are excited to see what will come next, resourced beyond human capability become available, opportunities open before you and enthusiasm is peaked because it is a vital and life giving ministry.

For more information on how you can get involved, contact Leslie Greenetz.
