2025 – A Year of GREAT Promise!!

As 2024 was a year of GROWTH and CHANGE, 2025 will most surely be “A Year of Promise!” We believe that God has been carefully preparing us – in ways both obvious and inconspicuous – to ready us for the fulfillment of His grand plans for us in the days immediately ahead.  For many years now, we have heard prophetic witnesses attest that God has planned something grand for us here at The Church of Glad Tidings and The Embassy of Heaven! We have watched as He has readied us for something truly divine…moving people here from various states and nations and taking us through a slow but steady process of TRANSFORMATION in our thoughts, perspectives and even our organizational structure. We have watched as God has sovereignly moved some players OUT, and other players IN as He has MOVED US ALL FORWARD in His plans and purposes! We have experienced a myriad of changes as the Lord has progressively prepared us for the coming season of WORLD-WIDE INFLUENCE and FRUITFULNESS in the days ahead!

As 2025 dawns, we believe that God has graciously granted us a space of repentance as a nation, and that we are entering into the time of The Great Harvest at the transition of the ages!

We are anticipating 2025 to be a year of rapid growth and divine reconfiguration and are doing all that we can to prepare for it by working hard to cultivate a virtual army of volunteers to help in the many expressions of Kingdom Business that God has set before us. We will be establishing an Embassy VIP (Volunteer Incorporation Project) as a hub for cultivating volunteerism as we build out the many ministries that God has put in our hearts over the course of the past decade! In addition to finalizing the purchase of the Leo Chesney Center to house our Peace of Heaven Children’s Paradise, we are planning to begin building our Embassy Market on our newly fenced northern acreage this year! God willing, we will also open the first phase of our Light of Life Wellness Center as an expression of divine health and wellness strategies to empower us to live life in all of its God-ordained vitality and abundance, and to help others do the same. We are also anticipating the possibility of buying the 3-acre parcel and 3 bedroom home that is “in-set” into our Embassy campus property to expand our parking and give us needed on-campus housing for guests and visiting ministries. These AND MANY OTHER THINGS we will do as God continues to provide the financial and people resources necessary to accomplish all of His good will and pleasure!  It should INDEED be a year of excitement as we witness the fulfillment of the many promises that the Lord has spoken over us through His holy Word and through the mouth of a multitude of apostles and prophets over the many decades of our lives together! Whether you are NEW to the Glad Tidings Family and The Embassy of Heaven or whether you have been with us down through the decades of our rich history, WE WELCOME YOUR INVOLVEMENT WITH US IN WHAT WE BELIEVE WILL BE THE MOST EXCITING CHAPTER OF OUR LIVES TOGETHER!

So….  Buckle up for the GREAT ADVENTURE!!!

Love and Blessings, 

Dave & Cheryl Bryan
Senior Pastors
Church of Glad Tidings

Subhash S