From Darkness to Light: Sarah's Journey

Sarah was the firstborn child of her 20-year-old parents in 1985. Sarah felt unwanted even in the womb, and felt that she was a burden on her overwhelmed mother. Sarah grew up in poverty in Sacramento, CA. Her parents were normally always fighting. Evil spirits roamed freely throughout the house and were visible to Sarah and her two brothers. 

Sarah’s mom screamed at the kids every day and also preached to them about God, leaving Sarah to believe God was like her -angry and punishing. She suffered religious and emotional abuse. She spent her days studying a little in the mornings and taking care of her siblings in the afternoons and evenings, pouring out from an empty place. She was suicidal and would daydream about being adopted by a happy, loving family.

When Sarah was 16, her dad left the family, which led to her mom trying out a new church where she would not be judged for being divorced. Through this church, Sarah went to Mexico and there encountered God for the first time and realized he was not who her mom had said he was. Sarah moved out of her mom’s house in order to escape the abuse, but missing the children so much and not being allowed to contact them or visit, she attempted suicide for the first time.

There was so much buildup of pain and trauma that when an unexpected turn of events happened, Sarah decided to walk away from the God she had newly encountered, and she got revenge on him by losing her virginity to a stranger on the internet. She slept with more strangers and ended up being trafficked by a pimp. Jesus surprisingly stayed with her all through that experience, even though Sarah didn't speak to him.

Sarah attempted suicide for the second time during her days of being trafficked, because she felt there was no reason for living anymore. An angel helped her to move out in January 2009, when her dad committed suicide, and she began to walk with God again while facing an unplanned pregnancy and living with unhealed wounds and countless demons. She gave up the baby at birth to her friends’ friends.

After one deliverance session in Sacramento, she saw that her problems were all spiritual. Her demons needed to go, and her encounters with God needed to increase. So she began visiting the Church of Glad Tidings (GT) in Yuba City. At GT, she got more deliverance, deep healing, housing, rest from her workaholism, and she learned why she was a sex addict for 12 years: it was an evil spirit living in her! So she cast it out and finally was free for the first time in her life. She later got married and today she continues to grow and heal as she pours out her life for Jesus and gets to know him more and more fully.