Hannah’s Story as a Child Victim

From the young age of just four, Hannah was sold for sex by her mother to support her mother’s drug habit. The sex-trafficking went on for twenty years, leaving Hannah feeling hopeless and suicidal. She was beaten, tortured, raped, and abused over and over. She was shut off from love and kindness. She lived with a fear of not having enough food, as well as a fear of who the next abuser would be who would hurt her and drug her.

Not allowed to go to school or have a normal childhood, she was instead sold as a slave time after time so that her mother, caught up in addiction, could have the money to get high. When she came down, she would sell Hannah again to get her next high. It was a never-ending vicious cycle. Her life was a living hell.  

Hannah lived with perpetual nightmares and feelings of unworthiness. She felt that she would never get better.  Not wanting to live anymore, she tried taking her own life four times in a desperate effort to escape the torture. On one of those attempts, she thought she was successful but then she was brought back to life. 

Thankfully, at age 24, Hannah met Cheryl, who became a mother to her and introduced her to the Church of Glad Tidings (GT). She began to experience the true love of God and to find some healing. When she learned that GT is purchasing a property to make it into a refuge, called Peace of Heaven, for sex-trafficked children, she was thankful that children will not have to walk through the hell that she walked through for twenty years.

Hannah is looking forward to volunteering at Peace of Heaven and loving the children back to life, giving them what she never had herself at their age.  Her life would have been so much different had she been rescued herself as a child and gotten the privilege of living surrounded by grandpas and grandmas who loved her.